LP Formulation of l_1- and l_infty-norm Regression

The l_infty-norm regression problem:

 min_x : |Ax-y|_infty

where A in mathbf{R}^{m times n}, y in mathbf{R}^m are given, can be written as the LP

 min_{t,x} : t ~:~ t ge a_i^Tx - y_i ge -t , ;; i=1,ldots,m,

where a_i stands for the i-th row of A.

Similarly, the l_1-norm regression problem:

 min_x : |Ax-y|_1

can be written as the LP

 min_{t,x} : sum_{i=1}^n t_i ~:~ t_i ge a_i^Tx - y_i ge -t_i , ;; i=1,ldots,m.

CVX does not require the user to transform the problem into LP format. The following syntax will work for any p in [1,+infty]:

CVX implementation
   variable x(n,1)
   minimize( norm(A*x-y,p) )
alt text 

A regression problem with random data A in mathbf{R}^{1000 times 100}, b in mathbf{R}^{1000}. The l_1-norm tends to encourage sparsity of the residual vector: the top panel indeed shows a lot of the residual vector elements are zero. In contrast, the l_infty norm (bottom panel) encourages a lot of elements to have similar magnitude.