The Commands


Checkout is a general command that can do a few different things depending on what its arguments are. There are 3 possible use cases. In each section below, you'll see 3 bullet points. Each corresponds to the respective usage of checkout.

A [commit id] is, as described earlier, a hexadecimal numeral. A convenient feature of real Git is that one can abbreviate commits with a unique prefix. For example, one might abbreviate




in the (likely) event that no other object exists with a SHA-1 identifier that starts with the same six digits. You should arrange for the same thing to happen for commit ids that contain fewer than 40 characters. Unfortunately, using shortened ids might slow down the finding of objects if implemented naively (making the time to find a file linear in the number of objects), so we won't worry about timing for commands that use shortened ids. We suggest, however, that you poke around in a .git directory (specifically, .git/objects) and see how it manages to speed up its search. You will perhaps recognize a familiar data structure implemented with the file system rather than pointers.

Only version 3 (checkout of a full branch) modifies the staging area: otherwise files scheduled for addition or removal remain so.