Understanding Acceptance Tests

Sample test

When we first run this test, a temporary directory gets created that is initially empty. Our directory structure is now:

├── Makefile
├── student_tests
├── samples
│   ├── test01-init.in
│   ├── test02-basic-checkout.in
│   ├── test03-basic-log.in
│   ├── test04-prev-checkout.in
│   └── definitions.inc
├── src
│   ├── notwug.txt
│   └── wug.txt
├── test02-basic-checkout_0          <==== Just created
├── runner.py
└── tester.py

This temporary directory is the Gitlet repository that will be used for this execution of the test, so we will add things there and run all of our Gitlet commands there as well. If you ran the test a second time without deleting the directory, it'll create a new directory called test02-basic-checkout_1, and so on. Each execution of a test uses it's own directory, so don't worry about tests interfering with each other as that cannot happen.

The first line of the test is a comment, so we ignore it.

The next section is:

> init

This shouldn't have any output as we can tell by this section not having any text between the first line with > and the line with <<<. But, as we know, this should create a .gitlet folder. So our directory structure is now:

├── Makefile
├── student_tests
├── samples
│   ├── test01-init.in
│   ├── test02-basic-checkout.in
│   ├── test03-basic-log.in
│   ├── test04-prev-checkout.in
│   └── definitions.inc
├── src
│   ├── notwug.txt
│   └── wug.txt
├── test02-basic-checkout_0
│   └── .gitlet                     <==== Just created
├── runner.py
└── tester.py

The next section is:

+ wug.txt wug.txt

This line uses the + command. This will take the file on the right-hand side from the src directory and copy its contents to the file on the left-hand side in the temporary directory (creating it if it doesn't exist). They happen to have the same name, but that doesn't matter since they're in different directories. After this command, our directory structure is now:

├── Makefile
├── student_tests
├── samples
│   ├── test01-init.in
│   ├── test02-basic-checkout.in
│   ├── test03-basic-log.in
│   ├── test04-prev-checkout.in
│   └── definitions.inc
├── src
│   ├── notwug.txt
│   └── wug.txt
├── test02-basic-checkout_0
│   ├── .gitlet
│   └── wug.txt                     <==== Just created
├── runner.py
└── tester.py

Now we see what the src directory is used for: it contains file contents that the tests can use to set up the Gitlet repository however you wants. If you want to add special contents to a file, you should add those contents to an appropriately named file in src and then use the same + command as we have here. It's easy to get confused with the order of arguments, so make sure the right-hand side is referencing the file in the src directory, and the left-hand side is referencing the file in the temporary directory.

The next section is:

> add wug.txt

As you can see, there should be no output. The wug.txt file is now staged for addition in the temporary directory. At this point, your directory structure will likely change within the test02-basic-checkout_0/.gitlet directory since you'll need to somehow persist the fact that wug.txt is staged for addition.

The next section is:

> commit "added wug"

And, again, there is no output, and, again, your directory structure within .gitlet might change.

The next section is:

+ wug.txt notwug.txt

Since wug.txt already exists in our temporary directory, its contents changes to be whatever was in src/notwug.txt.

The next section is

> checkout -- wug.txt

Which, again, has no output. However, it should change the contents of wug.txt in our temporary directory back to its original contents which is exactly the contents of src/wug.txt. The next command is what asserts that:

= wug.txt wug.txt

This is an assertion: if the file on the left-hand side (again, this is in the temporary directory) doesn't have the exact contents of the file on the right-hand side (from the src directory), the testing script will error and say your file contents are not correct.

There are two other assertion commands available to you:


Will assert that there exists a file/folder named NAME in the temporary directory. It doesn't check the contents, only that it exists. If no file/folder with that name exists, the test will fail.


Will assert that there does NOT exist a file/folder named NAME in the temporary directory. If there does exist a file/folder with that name, the test will fail.

That happened to be the last line of the test, so the test finishes. If the --keep flag was provided, the temporary directory will remain, otherwise it will be deleted. You might want to keep it if you suspect your .gitlet directory is not being properly setup or there is some issue with persistence.