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Allegro CL version 6.2
Page is generated automatically from other data and has been regenerated in 6.2

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Permuted Index - B

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Tilde  B: Binary
cell- background-color
cell-selected- background-color
Debugging  background processes
default- background-color
effective- background-color
Introduction and  background
maximize-ide- background-window
Modern mode  background
Simple-stream  background
system- background-color
system-dialog- background-color
system-highlight- background-color
transparent-character- background
use- background-streams
use-ide- background-window
with- background-color
vk- backquote
Sharpsign  Backslash
vk- backslash
vk- backspace
vk- backtab
Displaying a stack  backtrace in a window
Getting a  backtrace programmatically
Ghost frames in a brief  backtrace
Can  backtraces involving system functions have ghost frames?
Ghost frames in  backtraces
Non- backward-compatible changes in AllegroStore
Non- backward-compatible changes in AllegroStore
Non- backward-compatible changes in Common Graphics
Non- backward-compatible changes in Common Graphics
Non- backward-compatible changes in the base Lisp
Non- backward-compatible changes in the base Lisp
*status- bar-horizontal-margin*
*status- bar-number-of-lines*
*status- bar-vertical-margin*
add-common-status- bar
add-status- bar
Adding Cut/Copy/Paste commands to a menu- bar
Assigning an icon to a window title- bar
common-status- bar
common-status- bar-p
custom-status- bar-font
display-status- bar
horizontal-scroll- bar
horizontal-scroll- bar-pane
menu- bar
menu- bar-p
proxy-menu- bar-window
remove-status- bar
Sharpsign Vertical- Bar
status- bar
status- bar
status- bar-font
status- bar-message
status- bar-number-of-lines
status- bar-p
The Debugger menu on a Debugger window menu  bar
The History menu on a graph window menu  bar
The Window menu on a Debugger window menu  bar
The Window menu on a graph window menu  bar
Tilde Vertical- Bar: Page
title- bar
title- bar-height
vertical-scroll- bar
vertical-scroll- bar-pane
removed-status- bars
update-scroll- bars-for-new-window-size
*print- base*, *print-radix*
Base Lisp platform-specific information
Base Lisp platform-specific information
Base64 support
Base64: an example of binary stream encapsulation
crlf- base-ef
integer-to- base64-string
jlinker-copy- base
New features in the  base Lisp
New features in the  base Lisp
Non-backward-compatible changes in the  base Lisp
Non-backward-compatible changes in the  base Lisp
Other changes in the  base Lisp
Other changes in the  base Lisp
print- base
read- base
Release Notes for the  base Lisp
Release Notes for the  base Lisp
rr- base
simple- base-string
socket- base-simple-stream
usb8-array-to- base64-string
*read- base*
Building and Using an Allegro Common Lisp  Based DLL
Building Your Own Lisp  Based DLL
Deploying Your Lisp  Based DLL
The window- based inspector
Unix Lisp  based shared libraries
Using An Example Allegro CL  Based DLL: fact.dll
Allegro Presto:  basic usage
Basic Concepts
Basic External-Format Types
envelope- bcc
All Lisp files must  be recompiled (old fasl files will not load)
All pre-6.2 Lisp compiled files must  be recompiled (old fasl files will not load)
Can other things  be changed while running?
click-must- be-on-gadget
Compaq Alpha running Tru64: default stack size should  be increased
Compaq Alpha running Tru64: default stack size should  be increased
Defsystem methods that can  be specialized
Externals must  be resolved when the .so/.sl/.dylib/.dll file is created
Files that may  be looked for on startup and after startup
Foreign code cannot easily  be included at installation time
Switch can  be t or nil meaning always on or always off
What should  be in your .emacs file
The jLinker Java  Bean API
Packaging Lisp applications as Java  beans and servlets
If you modify a so/sl/dylib/dll file that has  been loaded, you must load the modified file!
Advice of class : before
ask- before-auto-saving
Discard local variable information  before dumplisp
gc- before-c-hooks
Problem with debug=1 and debug=2 behavior  before a local has a value
Tracing setf, : before, and :after methods and internal functions
rpc- begin
Blocking  behavior in simple-streams
Other package changes and compile-time-too  behavior
Other strange or unexplained  behavior
Problem with debug=1 and debug=2  behavior before a local has a value
The  behavior with debug=2
The  behavior with debug=3 (and speed < 3)
The  behavior with debug=3 and speed=3
The debug=1  behavior with locals
Variables that affect the  behavior of :zoom
Why only have good  behavior of locals at debug=3?
*global-gc- behavior*
move-window- behind
How many bytes are  being tenured?
Information sharing  between Common Lisp and Emacs
Interaction  between fwrap and trace
jLinker - A Dynamic Link  between Lisp and Java
min-pixels- between-widgets
Modal CG utility dialogs are not shared  between threads
Passing strings  between Lisp and C
Valid connections  between octet-oriented and character-oriented streams
What is the difference  between using registers and using the stack?
Input, Output, and  Bidirectional Streams
Rot13b: An Example of  Bidirectional Stream Encapsulation
Parameters that control how  big newly allocated spaces are
The  big picture
Passing fixnums,  bignums, and integers
Base64: an example of  binary stream encapsulation
bidirectional- binary-socket-stream
fundamental- binary-input-stream
fundamental- binary-output-stream
fundamental- binary-stream
Generic functions for  binary streams
input- binary-socket-stream
output- binary-socket-stream
Tilde B:  Binary
destructuring- bind
handler- bind
multiple-value- bind
restart- bind
Binding input parameters
Wide  binding (both models)
Changing gesture  bindings
Key  bindings in Common Lisp subprocess mode
Lisp listeners and special variable  bindings
Many  bindings are to specific values, not to the variables' actual values
process-initial- bindings
Where are the  bindings defined?
*cl-default-special- bindings*
*default-cg- bindings*
*zoom-print-special- bindings*
:who- binds
who- binds
The  bindstack index
64  bit Allegro CL Implementations
8- bit images
Bit Fields
bit, sbit
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, [...], bit-xor
bit-and,  bit-andc1, bit-andc2, [...], bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1,  bit-andc2, bit-eqv, [...], bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2,  bit-eqv, bit-ior, [...], bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-eqv,  bit-ior, bit-nand, [...], bit-xor
bit-and, [...], bit-eqv, bit-ior,  bit-nand, bit-nor, [...], bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, [...], bit-ior, bit-nand,  bit-nor, bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, [...], bit-nor,  bit-not, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, [...], bit-not,  bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, [...], bit-orc1,  bit-orc2, bit-xor
bit-and, [...], bit-orc1, bit-orc2,  bit-xor
External-Formats in 8- bit Lisp.
How to create an 8- bit image which starts the IDE
Notes on Lisp as a shared library on Alpha Unix 32  bit
Notes on Lisp as a shared library on Alpha Unix 64  bit
Notes on Lisp as a shared library on HP-UX 10.20 (32- bit only)
Notes on Lisp as a shared library on HP-UX 11.0 (64- bit only)
Notes on Lisp as a shared library on Sun Solaris 32  bit
Notes on Lisp as a shared library on Sun Solaris 64  bit
set-8- bit-input
simple- bit-vector
simple- bit-vector-p
device- bitmap
Drawing on  bitmap-streams
set-splash- bitmap
use- bitmap-stream
mci-device- bits-per-sample
texture-info- bits-per-pixel
button- black-border
caret- blink-time
mci-device- block-alignment
Message-handling routines that  block
pprint-logical- block
Tilde Less-Than-Sign: Logical  Block
Blocking behavior in simple-streams
Support for  Blowfish encryption
dark- blue
rgb- blue
Converting from . bmp files to lisp code
Modified  BNF Syntax
Boa Lambda Lists
: boe
same- bold
boole-* functions
*grid- border-mouse-slack*
3d- border-width
button-3d- border
button-black- border
cell-3d- border
cell-horizontal- border-color
cell-vertical- border-color
default-cell-3d- border
default-cell- border-color
default-cell- border-width
default-section- border-color
default-section- border-width
effective- border-color
effective- border-width
plain- border-width
Gates ( both models)
Process functions and variables ( both models)
Process locks ( both models)
Processes and profiling ( both models)
Processes and their dynamic environments ( both models)
Queues ( both models)
upper-case-p, lower-case-p,  both-case-p
Wide binding ( both models)
*default-printer- bottom-margin*
: bottom
box- bottom
box- bottom-center
box- bottom-left
box- bottom-right
grid- bottom-right-click
set-box- bottom
Bound symbol example
Cannot (effectively) set a variable  bound by load
verify-symbol-value-is- bound-switch
slot- boundp
slot- boundp-using-class
array-in- bounds-p
cell- box
center- box-on-page
center- box-on-screen
center- box-on-window
check- box
check- box-column-mixin
check- box-pane
clipping- box
combo- box
combo- box-column-mixin
combo- box-pane
copy- box
draw- box
draw-rounded- box
draw-string-in- box
drop-combo- box
erase- box
erase-contents- box
erase-contents-rounded- box
erase-rounded- box
files-to-list- box
fill- box
fill-rounded- box
font-face-combo- box
font-size-combo- box
get- box
get-fixed- box
get-screen- box
get-shape- box
get-shape-fixed- box
group- box
group- box-pane
header- box
inflate- box
inside- box-p
invert- box
lisp-group- box
list-view-cell- box
make- box
make- box-from-corners
make- box-relative
make- box-relative-from-corner
menu-items-for-combo- box-range
nclipping- box
ncopy- box
nget- box
nget-fixed- box
nget-shape- box
nget-shape-fixed- box
nmake- box
nmake- box-from-corners
nmake- box-relative
nmake- box-relative-from-corner
npage- box
nvisible- box
nvisible- box-top-left
page- box
pathname-string-from-directory-list- box
scroll- box
scrollbar-area- box
section- box
set- box-bottom
set- box-left
set- box-right
set- box-top
sub- box-p
subdirectories-to-list- box
tab- box
undrop-combo- box
use-real-combo- box
visible- box
visible- box-height
visible- box-top-left
visible- box-width
with-clipping- box
with- boxes
with-positions-and- boxes
Explain  boxing
Tilde Left- Brace: Iteration
Tilde Right- Brace: End of Iteration
Tilde Left- Bracket: Conditional Expression
Tilde Right- Bracket: End of Conditional Expression
vk-close-square- bracket
vk-open-square- bracket
* break-on-signals*
* break-on-test-failures*
: break
About submitting a bug report from a  break in the IDE
Break levels
Break on exit
Commands to manipulate  break levels:
Enhanced  Break Key functionality
in- break
simple- break
add- breakpoint
delete- breakpoint
with- breakpoints-installed
: brief, :moderate, and :verbose modes of :zoom
Ghost frames in a  brief backtrace
make- broadcast-stream
Class  Browser dialog
invoke-html- browser
invoke-private-html- browser
The defsystem  browser
The Process  Browser
use-private-html- browser
CLOS class  browsers
Composer  Browsers
Cross reference  browsers
: bt
The : bt command for a quick look at the stack
convert-returned-dde- buffer
device- buffer-length
file-selection- buffer-size
get-output-stream- buffer
jlinker- buffer-size
make- buffer-input-stream
make- buffer-output-stream
Rot13s: An example of  buffer-oriented stream encapsulation
with-input-from- buffer
with-output-to- buffer
Character input  buffers
*dribble- bug-hooks*
About submitting a  bug report from a break in the IDE
Bug reports
Bug reports and fixes
Common Graphics  bug fixes and minor enhancements
Common Graphics  bug fixes and minor enhancements
dribble- bug
Reporting  bugs
Where to report  bugs and send questions
Arguments to  build-lisp-image 1: defaults inherited from the running image
Arguments to  build-lisp-image 2: defaults not inherited from the running image
Debugging an image  build problem or failure
Including application patches in an image at  build time
presto- build-lib
runtime- build-option
Step 4:  Build an AllegroStore Lisp image [optional]
The template of a call to  build-lisp-image
Building an image that contains Allegro Composer
Building an image to include patches
Building and Using an Allegro Common Lisp Based DLL
Building Images
Building shared libraries on AIX 4.2 or later
Building shared libraries on Compaq Tru64 4.0 or later
Building shared libraries on FreeBSD
Building shared libraries on HP-UX 10.20
Building shared libraries on HP-UX 10.20, 11
Building shared libraries on Linux
Building shared libraries on Mac OS X
Building shared libraries on Mac OS X
Building shared libraries on SGI/IRIX 6.2 or later
Building shared libraries on Solaris 2.4 or later
Building the Companion DXL File: fact.dxl
Building the Example DLL: fact.dll
Building Your Own Lisp Based DLL
Built-In Cut, Copy, and Paste functionality
Built-in Method Combination Types
Files Lisp needs to start up 1: .so (or dll) files  built with image
Using a  built-in icon
update- bundle-files
Updating the  bundle file
What to do if  bunzip2 won't execute on the CD
Bus errors and segmentation violations
Using the IDE while user code is  busy
*loaded- but-uncreated-windows*
I compiled with debug=3  but I want to see dead locals anyway
butlast, nbutlast
*toolbar- button-spacing*
cancel- button
cancel- button
close- button
default- button
default- button
double-click-as-default- button
first-x- button
help- button
help- button-pressed
left-mouse- button
maximize- button
middle-mouse- button
minimize- button
mouse- button-state
multi-picture- button
multi-picture- button-pane
multi-picture- button-scroll
multi-picture- button-scroll-interval
multipic- button-mouse-in
multipic- button-mouse-out
picture- button
picture- button-pane
radio- button
radio- button-pane
right-mouse- button
second-x- button
set-default- button
static-text-and- button-column-mixin
toggle- button
update-multi-picture- button
unavailable- buttons
wait-for-mouse- buttons-up
*ignore-mouse-x- buttons*
Cannot (effectively) set a variable bound  by load
Conditions signaled  by the IMAP and Pop interfaces
division- by-zero
draw- by
erase- by
Lisp may not see a modification of an argument passed  by address
Lisp unexpectedly sees a change to an argument passed  by address
locale-n-sep- by-space
locale-p-sep- by-space
lookup-module- by-name
macros-called- by
Modifying arguments called  by address: use arrays
move- by
move- by-x-y
Package locked  by default
Package prefixes reserved  by Allegro CL
package-used- by-list
Special handling of certain errors  by :zoom
The packages locked  by default
Variables which control information printed  by compile-file
byte, byte-size, byte-position
byte,  byte-size, byte-position
byte, byte-size,  byte-position
read- byte
signed- byte
stream-read- byte
stream-write- byte
unsigned- byte
write- byte
*tenured- bytes-limit*
flip-monochrome- bytes
How many  bytes are being tenured?
mci-device-average- bytes-per-second
When there is a global gc, how many  bytes are freed up?

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Non-Alphabetic

Copyright (c) 1998-2002, Franz Inc. Oakland, CA., USA. All rights reserved.
Documentation for Allegro CL version 6.2. This page is generated automatically and has been regenerated in the 6.2 release.
Created 2002.2.26.

ToC DocOverview CGDoc RelNotes Index PermutedIndex
Allegro CL version 6.2
Page is generated automatically from other data and has been regenerated in 6.2