Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
By Nikhil Sharma, Josh Hug, Jacky Liang, and Henry Zhu.
Additional Contributions by Regina Wang, Peyrin Kao, Matei Gardea, Danial Toktarbayev, Catherine Chu, Samantha Huang, Saathvik Selvan, Pranav Muralikrishnan, and Wesley Zheng.
Website Set Up By Wesley Zheng.
Special Thanks to Ashley Chiu.
This is the textbook for CS 188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence at UC Berkeley. It provides an introduction to the full range of topics studied in artificial intelligence, with emphasis on the “core competences” of intelligent systems - problem solving, reasoning, decision making, and learning - and on the logical and probabilistic foundations of these activities.
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Source and Changelog
The source for the lecture notes and a log of all changes is available on Github.
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